Rowing Down To Rio: Less than 1,460 Days to go…

Tim Koch writes,

The Summer Games of the 31st Olympiad will be held between 5 and 21 August, 2016, in in Rio de  Janeiro, Brazil. The official website says this about the rowing venue, Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas:

‘(It) is located in the heart of Rio with a spectacular backdrop of mountains, the Tijuca Forest and Christ the Redeemer statue at Corcovado. It is within ten minutes of the hotels and beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema. A feature of the design will be the installation of a temporary pontoon with 10,000 seats, ensuring a great atmosphere in the finish zone.’

The Wikipedia entry on Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas says that it is known locally as ‘Lagoa’ and that it is a lagoon in south Rio which is connected to the sea by canal. It was the venue for the rowing in the 2007 Pan American Games. I think it must be the most spectacular international rowing course in the world. The rowing centre is the Estádio de Remo da Lagoa, the waterfront building with the sloping roof situated just left of centre in this picture (double click on it to enlarge). 

The official website continues:

‘As the traditional home of Rowing and Canoeing in Rio, the proposed venue upgrade will leave an important legacy, which will include accommodation for athlete training and renovated facilities including a new finish tower and boatshed. The local clubs and the National Rowing Confederation (CBR) will benefit significantly from such enhancements.’

Evidence that Lagoa has a history of rowing use seems to be here. Can any Portuguese speakers translate for us?

Top class rowing in a spectacular setting just minutes from Copacabana? I have already packed my thong.

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