More Gleaming Gold

17 June 2024

By Göran R Buckhorn

News comes from Gavin Jamieson about his brilliant biography of Jumbo Edwards, Water’s Gleaming Gold, which was published last summer to great acclaim. In August, HTBS’s Tom Weil wrote in a review:

The urge to turn the page is not motivated by the suspenseful curiosity that pursues a mystery’s solution; it is, instead, driven, first, by the richness of the masterful detailing of a remarkable story, with the promise of more to come every day in Jumbo’s adventurous life, and second, by the craft and artfulness of Jamieson’s writing.

Tom continues:

I heartily recommend Water’s Gleaming Gold, not just to those who enjoy rowing history, or good biography, but also to those who feast upon good writing. Kudos to Gavin Jamieson for this gift bestowed upon us, and may we see more such works flow from his pen in the years to come.

Read Tom’s review in full here.

The book sold out over Christmas and is now in its second print run.

Gavin Jamieson will be at Henley Royal Regatta on Thursday, 4 July (buy a copy and get it signed!). He will return to Henley in October for the Henley Literary Festival. 

“Further revelations and insights into Jumbo’s remarkable life on the water and in the air,” Jamieson writes, “will hopefully result in a revised paperback edition later this year.”

Water’s Gleaming Gold is available to order directly from the book’s distributor. Order your copy here.


  1. I totally agree with Tom, such a compelling & fascinating read. I was particularly interested too in the thread about Dad running through the book.

    Thanks, Gavin


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